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Reiki Spotlight with Georgia Vlahos

Reiki is helpful for calming stress, pain management, and to facilitate quick healing. A Reiki session is a calm hour of relaxing music along with the administration of Reiki via the hands (but no touching is necessary).

Optional treatments include crystal healing, chakra balancing and aromatherapy.

Reiki can be learned through a series of three classes or levels, Reiki 1, 2 and 3, which are taught by a Reiki Master Teacher who has learned the technique through a lineage going back to Dr. Usui. Each level moves the student’s healing ability up a notch, until level 3, which is the Master level. In this level, the student learns to pass an attunement and teach his or her own classes. Throughout each level, Georgia is available to the student to answer questions or help with issues that might come up. The Master level is a mentoring level and may span 1-3 months, depending upon the student.

Anyone can learn and benefit from Reiki. No particular skills are necessary. Even children as young as 4 years old can benefit from a Reiki class. Georgia’s oldest student (pictured below) was 78 when he received his Reiki Master Certificate. What’s necessary is dedication and a desire to work with and help people heal.

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